The education of the fortress
In environmental situations that are detrimental to personal improvement, it resists harmful influences, withstands discomfort and gives itself courageously if it can influence positively to overcome difficulties and to undertake large enterprises.
The duties obligations of parents or children?
Bent under the weight of their bulging purses, our schoolchildren come home each day loaded with a good dose of chores to do after the snack.
Skills and duties of parents in the education of their children
Natural skills Counselors, psychologists, teachers, doctors, special schools will provide parents with a previous contest. But they do not replace family education.
10 tips to be a good student
1. Intelligence There are quite intelligent people who hardly need to study, as well as others for whom it seems that studying is not their thing. But the normal thing is to have an average intelligence and the good results…
NEET UG 2017 Exam Pattern – Physics Syllabus
NEET UG 2017 Exam Pattern & Physics Syllabus 1. The test will consist of only one paper (Combined of PCB) including 180 objective type questions. 2. Each question will have four options to choose. Candidates need to choose the correct…