PR for Educators

Helping people for education and information

Month: September 2018

How to study fast without forgetting?

A group of specialists developed the LSERM method. It is a training program in study techniques that seeks to teach young people what to do while studying. Discover them in the following note. The LSERM method teaches students the steps…

Whats the differences between online and traditional education

Online education has always been an option to consider, especially for those who need to combine studies with work, live far from the study site, or many other reasons. In the past, online education had its problems. Such as the…


10 amazing powerpoint presentation tips for e-learning

PowerPoint is probably one of the most criticized and underrated tools on the web, books have been written that talk about the damage that PowerPoint does to knowledge. It is associated with adjectives such as boring, ugly, excessively simple or…

Free plagiarism checker software to detect the duplicate of texts

Plagiarism of texts. Surely, like me, you will have found yourself reading a text from one of your students and you have doubted whether this text has been written by him or has been taken from the internet. The truth…