Do you live in Texas? Are you considering a degree in physical therapy? You can learn a lot from physical therapy schools in Houston, but before you enroll, it’s important to make sure that the program is right for you. Here are just a few tips for getting started in a PT career in the Lone Star State.
1. Look Into Their Academic Requirements
Some physical therapy schools will require a bachelor’s degree for admission. Others will offer a “3+3” program that allows you to move straight from undergraduate studies into a physical therapy specialization. Which is right for you? Which is best suited for the academic track that you’re already following?
2. Ask About Financial Aid
While it’s true that some schools might be outside of your price range, you should never <i>assume</i> that they’re too expensive for you. There might be loans, grants, work-study programs or other financial aid packages that can offset the price of tuition. Always talk to the school’s financial department before making a decision.
3. Check Their Pass Rate
Passing the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE) is an important part of getting licensed. Ideally, the school that you choose will have a great pass rate for this critical exam. If you can’t find any percentages on the school’s website, check out the site for the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy. They post pass rates every few years.
4. Evaluate Their Extracurriculars
Physical therapy schools might not have athletic teams or anime clubs, but they should still offer activities that are designed to help and support you as you prepare for your upcoming career. Look for things like tutoring groups, student organizations, and networking events. See if they interest you.
5. Schedule a Tour
Last but certainly not least, never apply to a school without walking its campus and looking into its classrooms. The atmosphere of a school can’t be accurately conveyed through emails and digital image galleries. You’ll need to be physically present in order to assess whether you enjoy things like the grounds, the students, and the local cafes.
These are just a few things to keep in mind as you search for a physical therapy school in Houston. For more information, contact a place like San Jacinto College. They can answer your questions and help you figure out which program is right for you.