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Four Ways To Learn New Things Faster

Learning quickly gives you a great competitive edge for personal and professional development. Learning aids in acquiring critical thinking skills and discovering numerous ways in which we can relate to people from different cultures. It is the only way to deal with the continuous change in our life so that we can move forward with ease. And as science proves, there are four ways that help you learn and remember new knowledge faster, which will be useful for your gambling journey when you play pokies online to earn extra cash.

Teach others

The University of Washington in St. Louis states that if you imagine that you need to explain to someone else the material you are learning it can speed up your learning. This method lets your brain learn more efficiently than when you just have to take a test.

Thus, If you are struggling to learn the Polish language, try to teach it to your friends who have a lower level of language knowledge. It will help you when you access online usa casinos for your games.

Make breaks. Refresh your brain!

Researchers at the University of Louisiana advise taking 30-50 minutes to study new material. Shorter periods of time could not be enough, on the other hand, more than 50 minutes is already too much. Therefore, take breaks of 5-10 minutes. It is hardly possible to learn new material with a burning head.

Take notes by hand

Taking notes on a laptop is usually faster, but using pen and paper helps you learn and understand the material better. Researchers at Princeton and UCLA have found that when students take handwritten notes, they listen more actively and are better at recognizing important concepts. Pam Mueller, a professor at Princeton University, says that note-taking on a laptop is worse because students usually tend to write lectures copying word-by-word, rather than processing information and formulating it in their own words. This is bad for the results of learning.

Don’t be afraid to take a nap!

To remember what you have learned, it is crucial to periodically shut down. A study in the journal Psychological Science shows that sleeping in between classes helps to better remember the material. In an experiment conducted in France, participants were taught to translate 16 French words into Swahili over two sessions. Participants from one group studied in the morning and then in the evening of the same day, and participants from the second group studied in the evening and then slept, and in the morning they came to the second lesson. Those who slept were able to recall an average of 10 out of 16 words, and those who did not – only 7.5.

This shows that sleep in the learning process is doubly beneficial – it shortens the time it takes you to master the material.


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I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working on education and learning.