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How to repel clothing moths

Wool is one of the most sustainable and durable materials to use for clothing and home textiles. Many of us have treasured wool items that have lasted years and bring back wonderful memories, such as fishermans sweater mens and Christmas jumpers. Unfortunately, clothing moths adore wool as much as the discerning dresser and can wreak devastation on our favourite items. The good news is that there are some sustainable ways to tackle this issue.

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Check and prevent

Part of the reason clothes moths can decimate an item without you even noticing is that the item of clothing has not been worn or even moved for some time. This makes sense, as most of us don’t pull out our woollen jackets at the height of summer. You can prevent colonisation by putting your woollen clothing in airtight, vacuum-packed bags.

Buying less but better-quality clothes is one of the best things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint. You can also support local communities and heritage by buying certain products, such as authentic fisherman sweaters from retailers such as

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As soon as you see moths, larvae or eggs on your clothes, you must move quickly. You can, of course, have your item dry-cleaned, with this process killing the moths, eggs and larvae. If you don’t live near a good dry cleaner or want to save money and do it yourself, you can use a special detergent to wash your item in a bucket or bath. Use lukewarm rather than hot water, as the latter will shrink your woollen clothing. A great way of killing moths, if you have room, is putting your item in an airtight bag and freezing it for three days. This will also kill larvae and eggs.

I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working on education and learning.