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How Fitted Wardrobes Can Transform Your Bedroom

If you are thinking of redecorating your bedroom and want to put your own personal touch to it, then you should consider having bespoke fitted wardrobes fitted. Fitted wardrobes come with a lot of benefits, from maximising space to helping style the room. In this article we will go into detail about the benefits of having bespoke fitted wardrobes.

One of the main benefits of having fitted wardrobes in your bedroom, is that it frees up a lot of space. Most off the shelf free standing wardrobes are very bulky and stick out into the room, no leaving much free space. On the other hand, fitted wardrobes are made to fit in with the existing walls in a room so they do not stick out and take up much room. This is especially beneficial for smaller and oddly shaped rooms, as the wardrobes can be made to fit into any corners or recesses in the room. You can also fully customise the drawers and storage space to make the most of the space and store exactly what clothes you want to.

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In addition to saving space, bespoke fitted wardrobes can be made to match your preferred style and colour. You will have complete control over the design of the wardrobe so you can choose what materials are made, how big they will be and what finish you would like. So, if you like a modern style or prefer a more traditional style, you can have your fitted wardrobes made to match that style. If you live in the Dorset area, you can find a Fitted Wardrobes Dorset company who can custom make your wardrobes to meet your requirements. An example of one of these companies is

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Another advantage of bespoke fitted wardrobes is that they will be built to last. Most off the shelf free standing wardrobes are very flimsy as they are flat packed and put together with a few fixings. However, a bespoke fitted wardrobe will be made by an expert so it will be sturdier, so it will last for a longer period of time. Having fitted wardrobes will also add more value to your home. Built in storage solutions are desired by a lot of homeowners, especially if your home is not that large. So having bespoke fitted wardrobes will be a good selling point for your home, if you ever choose to put it on the market.

I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working on education and learning.