THEMES OF FORWARD CURRENT: TRACES PERFORMED. You must carry out a topical issue for the State exams, for the Third Exams Media or simply because they frequent the high school and you a track that has been assigned to deal with the life of every day, or the hottest news at this time? Although these three occasions you seem far apart, the tricks to play a good topical issue is always the same (and if you were not enough, there is always our list of topics discussed in alphabetical order!)

Let’s start right away by saying that to perform well the text proposed by the track must develop its topical issue, taking into consideration not only the content, but also the structure (introduction, body text, conclusion), the style and the formal correctness.
TOPICAL ISSUES: HOW do them. To properly carry out a trace of current necessary to respect some simple rules, which can be summarized in the following steps:
- Track read: Read carefully the track and try to understand what you need to focus your theme.
- Ladder: A ladder to do what you want to write, addressing the subject through different points but above all in an orderly manner.
- Introduction: Introduce the subject in a clear and concise
- Procedure: Is the body of the text, the actual theme. Dealt with the issue and if the track requires entering personal opinions.
- Conclusion: You end the text with a phrase that encompasses the entire contents of your theme.
- Revision: Double check theme, paying attention to spelling errors, the sentence construction, clarity and above all the relevance to the track.
THEMES OF FORWARD CURRENT: COMPLETE LIST. Now you just need to work out here many ideas and suggestions to write a theme of topical perfect … There’s something for everyone! For more visit