PR for Educators

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Education Tips

Things to understand before you start architecture school

Want to be prepared for the whirlwind to come? Here are five more tips for architects-to-be.

1. Stay true to yourself

While tutors are fountains of knowledge, remember they’re there to gently guide you, rather than dictate your journey through school. Make the most of your time at architecture school by asking questions and pushing those boundaries. You’ll probably find that you learn as much when you don’t follow the tutor’s advice as when you do.

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School is the perfect safe space to identify your niche and dive into it. If you’re fascinated by fabric structure, for example, explore it!

2. Make the most of every minute

Architecture school is no walk in the park. The hours are long, the expectations high and the deadlines brutal. Within a few weeks of the start of term, you’ll probably have encountered a fair few late nights. Remember that you will create your best work when you’re well rested, even if you end up spending fewer hours in the studio.

3. Keep your finger on the pulse

While a lot of school is about learning the theory and history of architecture, it’s also important to stay up to date with developments in the field that are happening right now. As well as providing you with constant inspiration, journals such as Architectural Review will also inform your essays, whether you’re into Fabric Roof Structure like the ones you can see at spatialstructures  eco materials or more!

While some journals may seem pricey, there are often student deals to be had, and you might even find a few copies in your university library or local library instead. You can often find copies of journal papers online through your university library system.

4. Grades aren’t everything

The world is full of breathtakingly beautiful designs created by architects who flunked school. If you’re putting in the work and your grades just aren’t budging, relax. As long as you’re building a portfolio you believe in, you’re getting something out of your time at school. Just throw yourself into every project and learn as much as possible during your time there. After all, clients often value passion over marks.

5. Look after yourself

Aside from getting a good night’s sleep, the second most important way to look after yourself during school is to eat well. Bin the fast food and microwave meals and cook up plenty of veggies, lean protein and complex carbs. Your body and brain will thank you!


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I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working on education and learning.