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mobile learning
E-Learning Education Education Tips

How to incorporate mobile learning in the classroom?

Mobile devices are technological tools that favor and stimulate innovative, participative and personalized learning. The concepts “mobile” and “education” in the same context begin to be understood with a more open vision. Many educational projects, according to UNESCO, demonstrate the effectiveness of mobile learning in learning.

M-learning is an educational modality that offers many advantages and favors an education adapted to the new social behaviors. This type of tools encourages autonomous learning and improves how students access to content for their training. Read more about: Tips for carrying out blended learning at the university

According to the definition given by the experts Brazuelo and Gallego in their study “Mobile learning, mobile devices as an educational resource”, mobile learning is understood as the form of learning in which access to knowledge, skills development, and knowledge is facilitated. Problem-solving through the mediation of mobile devices.

Aspects to integrate mobile learning successfully

mobile learning

With the integration of this technology in the classroom is intended that the student is more active and autonomous in their way of learning, at the same time that understands the possibilities and the responsibility that involves the use of technology in the day today. Keep reading


Above all, in educational environments in which the student is a minor and the agreement and coordination of family members and teachers is needed.

From here, the teams, software, and programs that will be used to access and share information must be determined, so that the institution and the students are guaranteed the privacy of their data and the use of systems prepared for cyber-attacks.

On the other hand, it is important to establish a rule of use that all students know and by which they govern its use, especially in topics related to photographs or videos that they can share or that they can take with their classmates.

mobile learning


The most recommended is to manage learning and content through applications created with this didactic purpose. Therefore, in the implementation project, it is important to study the costs and the investment necessary for mobile learning to be effective and meet educational objectives.

Likewise, it is important to involve students and teachers in the choice or designs of the applications that will be used in the classroom. In this way, in addition to being the path that will facilitate learning according to the needs and objectives of all, it will also serve as an exercise to learn about the possibilities of technological tools and their development.


It should begin by proposing a learning strategy adapted to the new tools and resources, according to the objectives by which the educational institution and the subject matter are articulated. It is essential that all the methodology is generated from collaborative spaces in which teachers and students are active, participatory and involved users with the content provided.

In this way, it is easier for students to adapt to the system and use of mobile devices and possible applications that help them acquire new knowledge and improve their skills. To improve the learning experience, social networks can be very useful tools for students to create community, work as a team and solve doubts.

mobile learning

We must not forget that the best thing about mobile learning is that it is a system compatible with other methodologies and very advantageous for mixed learning so that teachers can use the device as a tool for support and consultation. That is, as a resource to access complementary material and facilitator of autonomous learning outside the classroom. You may also read: