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math phobia
Education Tips

How to overcome the math phobia effectively?

Mathematics concentrates a good number of nervous crises and tears of students enrolled in both public and private education. From elementary school to engineering: everyone can find themselves blocked one day before an exercise and lose their nerves. Here, we suggest some tips overcome math phobia.

This anxiety and this stress are also reinforced by the fact that mathematics is one of the most important disciplines of the education system. Which allows students to understand the world around them and which determines a good number of professional careers. It seems therefore decisive to overcome this fear of mathematics once and for all. How? With whose help? Keep reading: Tricks to learn tables quickly | How to help children?

How to overcome math phobia?

math phobia

All students, from elementary school to high school and subsequent studies, know how important mathematics is. In the curriculum, but also for professional and daily life. Aware of this importance, mathematics causes panic, anxiety, anguish, panic attacks … In short, what we call the “fear of mathematics “.

To the point of talking about psychological blocks, anxiety problems, panic attacks and panic attacks. Of course, it is far from pleasant. So, we offer you 4 tips to overcome the math phobia:

Go to math tutorials: This type of particular teaching of applied mathematics helps some students overcome the math phobia. Thanks to adapted pedagogical resources, the private teacher, who can be part of the educational system or be self-taught (student, engineer). They will know how to overcome and overcome an emotional problem linked to mathematics.

Use concrete supports: The math phobia can be solved thanks to an adapted pedagogy and concrete supports. Give shape to mathematics by means of pebbles, objects, pizzas. To understand logic and overcome an emotional threshold. Overcome the anguish of mathematics thanks to a specialized book.

Identify the psychological block: Block that sometimes comes from a family phenomenon. The mathematics teacher can then become a psychologist.

Revise the bases of mathematics: Mental calculation, multiplication, decimal numbers, integers, division, bisector, right triangle, isosceles … Theorem of Thales, Pythagoras, symmetry, circle, angle, geometry, trigonometry, algebra, arithmetic, the PAU, the square root … In short, the fundamental thing is to prepare a scientific baccalaureate. Are you looking for primary math classes?

Explanations regarding the fear of mathematics

math phobia

The primary school, the school, the bachelor or the university can sometimes provoke a lack of love towards mathematics.

This is what usually happens when a lesson in mathematics causes us anxiety, stress, and sadness when we fail to understand it. Some people think that trigonometry, algebra, literal calculus, factoring, relative numbers and other subjects are boring and uninteresting.

What if you like mathematics is just a mental issue? It seems that, in fact, for you to like a related function, the exercises of mathematics, geometry, Pythagoras or circumscribed circumference, you have to be a sweet dreamer as well as Albert Einstein. A student rather creative, intuitive and endowed with a spirit of synthesis.

For others, mathematics can hurt! A study has proven that the simple act of anticipating a difficulty in mathematics can turn into pain. Or in an emotional problem, by the degree of connection of mathematics with painful emotions of the past. How not to mention equally the shame that a student can feel, unable to solve an equation on the board.

In short, all this panic, these problems of anxiety, psychological blocks, fear of the alien gaze that torments us, inevitably provoke aversion and hatred towards mathematics. Mathematics classes can then lead to a crisis of tears, loss of esteem and a sense of sadness. But there are several solutions to help a child caught in this fear and with a blockage to geometry or algebra:

  1. Value the positive aspects.
  2. Encourage him in his attempts.
  3. Do not punish him.
  4. Remain listening to their anguish or fear.
  5. Make mathematical games.

What are you waiting for to sign up for a math course?

math phobia

Only 2% of people would not be able to understand high-level mathematics. In fact, everyone is capable of understanding mates. Among the crowd, only a small minority would not be equipped for mathematics.

When we take a bit of perspective on all this stress generated by applied mathematics, science (biology), physics and chemistry, engineering or technology, we can see that mathematics is not so inaccessible.

You must know that science has shown that the brain has the ability to increase or decrease. Adapted to mathematics, we now know that making mistakes in math class allows the brain to develop properly. Learn from mistakes, in short. This shows that anxiety, panic or panic attacks are not rational since these so distressing and stressful mistakes can actually make us smarter. The math exercises thus have the power to multiple neurons and their connections when an error occurs.

Better yet, thanks to an experiment carried out by Jo Boaler, we now know that only between 2 and 3% of the population really experiences difficulties in learning mathematics. The rest can overcome their stress and solve math exercises, including high-level ones. We must, therefore, try to transform this feeling of panic and anguish into “good stress”: something stimulating to progress in mathematics.

Jo Boaler has proven that with a constant pressure linked to time, the brain cannot function properly. If this notion of time is eliminated, the student then makes numerous progress in algebra, arithmetic, geometry, fractions, related functions, modeling, engineering, mental calculation, whole numbers…

Forget your problems in math having fun

math phobia

To eliminate this notion of pressure, it is possible to do math having fun. There are numerous specialized sites that already propose this specific pedagogical approach to learn mathematics:

  • Math’Birds.
  • Mathematics Games.
  • iTooch.
  • Playful mathematics.

If the method “learning math fun” does not convince you, a relearning of mathematics may make more sense to you.

Learning math is also learning a new language, is not it? So, if the fundamentals of this language are not mastered, there will always be a lack. It will be necessary to practice. Practice a lot to master this language. If you have not already done so, do not hesitate to go through a relearning phase. Whether in school, high school, university, doctorate or through other means. You may like also:


To overcome math phobia, we highly recommend a private tutor and private math classes. Some try to do it in an “autodidactic” way too, helping with specialized manuals, web pages, applications. There are several tips to put into practice, in this case, to completely eliminate the feeling of anxiety, anxiety and panic attacks.