PR for Educators

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Early Education

Early Education

How Many Hours is Preschool

Preschool is an essential early childhood education program that plays a crucial role in a child’s development. It provides a nurturing environment where children can learn, explore, and grow before entering formal schooling. If you’re considering enrolling your child in…



How Much Studying Is OverStudying?

Have you given some thought to whether you might be overloading yourself with the information that you are supposed to memorize? No, you are not the only one. Most learners struggle with finding the middle ground between studying adequately and…

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What is the structure of an essay?

The essay is a type of text that analyzes, evaluates or interprets a specific topic, either officially or freely. Its main feature is that it is a text in which the writer has complete freedom to organize content and information….

How to stay focused while studying for exam

Concentrate on studying can be a very complicated task for the average student, especially if you are in difficult ages. However, it is possible to learn to concentrate on studying and passing. As we increase the course and therefore, raising…

Games to learn multiplication tables for your child

Learning multiplication tables is one of the duties that younger children have to do once they arrive at school. Play Games to learn multiplication tables if your child is fond of the entertainment.  However, it is a job that, many…

How to study smarter not harder?

Surely it has happened to all of you that during the exam period, and after several hours studying, your brain says: “Enough!”. You have reached your top, and however much you continue studying you will not memorize or learn anything….

How to study effectively? Vital techniques to learn more

The school and university stages are characterized by causing many nerves, stress, and anxiety among students. Many ask themselves: how can I face the study to optimize my academic performance? How to study effectively? Stay with us.

How to study for an exam and make a good result

When we are facing evaluation tests, we dedicate more time than normal to the study. This generates fatigue, stress, and loss of energy, which sometimes causes a detriment of quality to perform the exams. So that this does not happen….

How do top students study?

To optimize long hours of study, there are no magic formulas. Observe the best students common characteristics. For us, the need to find an adequate method of study is essential. Let’s discover how do top students study. We use several keyboards…

How to improve writing speed for examination

In this type of exams, there are only one or very few questions. You must develop the written response in a limited time. Usually from a minimum of 1 hour to a maximum of 4. You find yourself and the…

A game that could only have been developed in a public school

The origins of Rugby are steeped in myth and fantasy. One thing is for certain it was a public school boy who, fused with the arrogance and confidence only that environment could bring, decided that it would be a “wizard”…

When is the best time to study for your brain

When is the best time to study for your brain? Surprisingly, the answer to this question is not as simple as being a lark (diurnal) or owl ( nocturnal ). New research has shown that certain times of the day are…